Whether you are still in college and just looking for a new place to stay around town, or you have just graduated and looking for a new place in a new city, finding and renting an apartment or condo...
Category: Money & Finance
Moving between apartments or dorms is stressful enough without needing to worry about the COST of moving. I’m going to walk you through the company that we recommend at our own apartment...
When something isn’t going as you’d planned with your living arrangement, for whatever reason, you need to break the lease and move on to somewhere else. But you have a question… Will I...
The one letter that nobody wants to get is an “Application Denied” letter from an apartment complex you really wanted to move in at. Unfortunately, if you were denied, your...
Moving into your first apartment can be a super exciting thing. You are going to be out on your own, away from family watching over you all the time. You can spread your wings and relax a...
Searching for Apartments online is a lot like searching for cars online. You are browsing around from place to place, getting a good feel for the market, how much certain amenities are, and in...